I just wanted to share a photo from this morning. It pretty much sums up how awesome my kids are. (They came up with the idea and dressed themselves.)
January 23, 2012 · 5 comments
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Clearly, your kiddos are WAY ahead of the fashion curve. This will undoubtedly be all the rage on the Paris walkways come fall fashion week. Total fashion plates.
Paris walkways or great blackmail material. They are cute. What fun kids
i love the gesturing… like, “yes, we are 100% aware of our AWESOMEness”
your kiddos are funny and sweet, or at least they look that way! isn’t it awesome when you not only love your kids, but really like them and adore their company? I see and hear so many parents who seem to be always seeking a break from their kids, and that is sad! I’m glad you appreciate their silly fashion sense. plus it sounds like you guys could use a good chuckle… I am so sorry to read about the fire. but happy to read about that sweet new niece. praying for easy answers and solutions for your extended family. -melissa