Child Rearing

5 Years Old

August 30, 2014 · 4 comments

Charlotte turned five yesterday. We celebrated the occasion with an afternoon at the coast. First we had delicious sandwiches and pizza at Panini in Nye Beach (quite possibly the best restaurant in Newport unless you’re desperate to eat seafood). Then we surprised her with a trip to the Newport Candy Shoppe where we gave her […]


{this moment}

May 23, 2014 · 0 comments

{this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, moment. ~ Amanda Soule **inspired by Soule Mama’s (and Erin of Floret‘s) Friday reflections


My kids aren’t perfect eaters. Levi isn’t into carrots or oranges (except satsuma mandarins). Charlotte doesn’t like eggs or most kinds of beans. Neither one would touch a salad. But when it comes to kale, raw kale straight off the plant, they can’t get enough of it. They have this thing called dinosaur kale eaters, […]


{this moment}

May 2, 2014 · 2 comments

{this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, moment. ~ Amanda Soule **inspired by Soule Mama’s (and Erin of Floret‘s) Friday reflections


Lately, though, I’ve been reflecting more than usual on how some of our parenting methods are manifest in our kids’ wants, beliefs, and actions. I’m sure that this train of thought has been brought on by seeing my kids in a school environment with other children that are the products of their own (mostly wonderful, […]


{this moment}

March 7, 2014 · 2 comments

{this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, moment. ~ Amanda Soule **inspired by Soule Mama’s (and Erin of Floret‘s) Friday reflections


Halloween 2013

November 1, 2013 · 5 comments

Halloween was a success this year even with a few costume setbacks. I picked up Charlotte’s super girl outfit at a thrift store a couple weeks ago. It was probably too small for her, but she was able to squeeze into it and didn’t complain. We thought we had a Harry Potter robe coming our […]


Birthday Boy

October 11, 2013 · 3 comments

This character turned six yesterday. Currently, he loves: all forms of Legos (even the Friends), Harry Potter (and chapter books in general), Macklemore, cuddling with his mama, baked potatoes, kindergarten, berry jam, drawing robots and bugs, hanging out with his little cousin Beatrix, and fart jokes. Currently he hates: ketchup, the fact that I make […]


Charlotte turns 4.

September 2, 2013 · 5 comments

I’m interrupting the flow of food preservation posts to tell you that my baby girl, Charlotte, turned four on Thursday. This ragamuffin child makes me laugh every single day, and she tells the BEST stories. She’s definitely a head-in-the-clouds kind of kid with almost no interest in learning letters or buckling down to study anything […]


I went outside for a few minutes to pick some parsley in the greenhouse yesterday, and when I got back to the house, I discovered that Levi had chopped off a significant portion of Charlotte’s hair. We’ve been experimenting a little lately with leaving by themselves for bits of time. Not hours or anything, but […]