Happy Halloween

October 31, 2012 · 4 comments

Happy Halloween, everybody. I have to admit that I’m kind of a grinch about many aspects of Halloween. Actually, it’s mostly just the candy I have a problem with. As much as I think candy is delicious, I also think it’s evil, and I’ve tried my darndest to keep my kids away from it. They do eat candy on rare occasions, mostly when I’m not with them, but they know it’s not something they can expect very often.

The kids went trick or treating this afternoon in downtown Corvallis. They each came home with a bag of candy. They got to pick out one piece of chocolate to eat for dessert, but we set the rest aside. There’s a dentist in the area who buys candy every November 1 for $2 a pound, so that’s where we’re headed tomorrow. Levi likes money more than candy (because money = Legos). Charlotte has a serious sweet tooth and doesn’t covet store-bought things the way her brother does, so it may be difficult to get her to part with her Halloween loot.

Levi really wanted to be some sort of Star Wars character for Halloween this year, but when I found a fireman coat and hat at a thrift store for $5, it wasn’t too hard to talk him into it. Charlotte’s ladybug was also a thrift store find. I was just glad that (call me lazy) their costumes didn’t require a major effort on my part, but they were still cute and practical for the nasty October weather we’ve been having lately.

Hope you had a good Halloween without too many battles with your kids over sugar.

To those of you affected by Hurricane Sandy who probably aren’t concerning yourselves with Halloween at all, know that I’ve been thinking good thoughts for everyone all week while listening nonstop to news on the radio. Because I couldn’t really think of any other way to help, I made a donation to the American Red Cross and would encourage others to do the same. Take care, everybody.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Rowan November 1, 2012 at 6:29 am

I love that the dentist buys back the candy from the kids! So funny.


Nicole November 1, 2012 at 7:15 am

too cute for words and that dentist is genius! (their faces are cracking me up!)


Abby November 1, 2012 at 8:18 am

So cute! Is that your front porch the kiddos are standing on? It looks different from the pics you posted a while ago of your cabin…..


Camille November 1, 2012 at 10:52 am

You’re right. It looks different than my house because it’s actually the porch at my parents’ house.


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