Reigning It In

October 30, 2012 · 12 comments

Well, I’ve learned once again, that I can’t do it all. Running my own business, taking care of two kids and a dairy goat, updating Wayward Spark, volunteering for my local grange, blogging/Facebooking for Gathering Together Farm, and staying sane at the same time was just too much. Something had to give, and that something turned out to be my contract work for GTF.

The photos in this post are a random assortment of snapshots I’ve taken at the farm this year.

Blogging and managing social media for the farm was such an incredible learning experience for me, and I think I met or exceeded my own and my bosses’ expectations. It was great for all the reasons I mentioned in this post and more.

That said, working for the farm has been different than working for myself. Unlike Henry, I’m not a natural-born entrepreneur, but apparently the self-employment bug has embedded itself deep in the last couple years. I’ve decided that I’d rather spend my money-earning efforts on a business that is all mine. My Etsy shop has been a little neglected over the summer, and now with the holiday season approaching, I’m scrambling to catch up.

If you’re curious to learn more about Gathering Together Farm and/or you’d like to see more of my professional work, visit the farm blog or the GTF Facebook page.

I want to thank the farm’s owners, John and Sally, for the opportunity to work in such a beautiful environment. This won’t be the first or even the second time I’ve “quit” working at GTF, so I don’t dare say that I’ve shut that door for the final time. Right now, however, I’m headed in a different direction (mostly belt sanding until my arms fall off to produce a robust inventory of cutting and serving boards for my Etsy shop).

{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }

dixiebelle October 31, 2012 at 1:16 am

Fantastic photos… I am sure you did a fabulous job for them whilst you were working with them!


Camille November 1, 2012 at 10:53 am

Thank you!


Aunt Sue October 31, 2012 at 7:50 am

i was beginning to think you were wonder woman – but alas, you are camille and your photography, among other things, is really quite nice. good luck on the xmas work load…glad we have the Dec getaway to look forward to….we are all gonna need it.


Camille November 1, 2012 at 10:52 am

I am SO looking forward to December 26!


rox October 31, 2012 at 2:51 pm

wow- the colors in those veggie photos are simply amazing!


Camille November 1, 2012 at 10:53 am



Jeannine November 1, 2012 at 1:35 pm

I am a faithful GTF customer. Every weekend I go to the GTF farm for my weekly produce. I’m sad that the season is almost over. I’m also sad to see your GTF stories are over. I “met” you through the GTF website and have since been following your blog faithfully. I really appreciate your blog. It has opened up a whole new world for me around self-sustainability. I look forward to continuing to read wonderful stories on your blog.


Lisa November 1, 2012 at 4:53 pm

Camille, I love these photos so very much. Of course many are familiar if not exactly the same, and others feel inspiring as we think (a LOT right now) about what’s in the future for us.

Is that some irrigation pipe in the photo below the tomatoes? That’s an awesome shot.

Hoping these changes bring you energy and peace.


erika November 2, 2012 at 11:30 am

Oh dear, I’m in the same spot as you! My fiance is trying to get me to “focus” on one thing, but I’m spread between farming, animals (pigs and sheep), art, my business and 3 jobs. I was keeping you in mind wondering how you did it all! And yes, my etsy site is neglected, too. 😛 Good luck!


Tonia December 12, 2012 at 6:11 pm

Gorgeous farm!! We’ve plunged head-first into winter here in Northern WI and everything is covered in a foot of snow, so I’m DROOLING over the images of those fresh veggies!!

What breed of pony is that? They look sturdy! Do you use them for farm work? What a sweet foal!!


Camille December 12, 2012 at 6:16 pm

They’re haflingers. GTF owner Sally uses them for recreational farming.


Tonia December 13, 2012 at 9:53 pm

AH! Of course. Haflingers are so great!


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