barbecue baking

As promised (better late than never), I’m going to talk a little about what I did with all those beautiful Ribes specimens from the Germplasm Repository. Last year, I cooked up a heckuva lot of jam and jelly, and though I have so far made a pretty impressive effort to eat and give away a […]


Spring break went out with a bang. I made a big ol’ pan of lasagna (with fresh pasta, homemade tomato-pesto sauce, homegrown chard, ricotta, and mozzarella) on Saturday night, and Henry’s brother, Trevor, came over to eat with us. On Sunday morning, Trevor as well as my friend Lisa showed up for a bagel party. […]


Scones are all over the map taste- and texture-wise. Sickly sweet with sugary icing, heavy with whole grains, cake-y, bread-y, crumbly, plain-jane, or studded with add-ins. I haven’t made scones very many times in my life because I always felt that scone’s close cousin, the muffin, was a little more reliable in taste and texture […]


I haven’t made a pie since July. It’s a crime. I know, but I’ve been so obsessed with putting food up and stashing all the fruits of summer away for the winter that I haven’t been baking for the present very often. Today, however, I put my jamming plans on hold for a bit while […]

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I met my friend Ana about a year ago. I had recently started my contract work as writer/photographer/blogger for Gathering Together Farm, and Ana was working as the pastry chef in the GTF restaurant. I liked her from the get-go, and even though, like many folks, I’ve found it harder and harder to connect with […]