hoar + other strange and wonderful things

January 23, 2013 · 5 comments


Hoar is such an unpleasant word for such a beautiful thing.

The weather finally broke today, and we got rain instead of the freezing fog that’s been hanging around for over a week. I think I’d prefer sunshine or real snow, but rain will have to be good enough.






I don’t usually do link roundups from the interwebs (though maybe I should start), but here are a few things I’ve seen and liked lately…

Brooke of Little Canoe who also happens to be the founder of the Portland Preservation Society and the host of this month’s PPS meeting, was an Etsy Featured Seller a couple days ago. She so deserves the attention because her work is like nothing else I’ve seen (in a good way). Read her interview here.

I baked these cranberry, clementine, coconut bars in my barbecue the other day. I needed to know if they would taste as good as they looked on Pinterest, and indeed they do.

If I had a couple hundred dollars burning a hole in my pocked, I would buy this black leather bag from Jenny N. Design. Jenny herself does really nice work. I know because I finally splurged on this bag a while back.

I read this post on Sheena’s blog, and then saw this post up on 101 Cookbooks. Boy do I wish I had power and storage space for a juicer. The funny thing is that I actually own a juicer. I inherited it from my mom who had it in her kitchen for years and barely used it. Now it’s in a cardboard box, stored away in my childhood bedroom with all my books that I can’t fit in my house.

I think this is my favorite of Mae Chevrette‘s mixed media paintings although I really like this one, too. Not only is Mae an incredible artist, she’s also been a huge inspiration for me personally as I’ve watched her beautiful blog and her business evolve over the last couple years.

My sister in law, an elementary school teacher, sent me a link to this article about some of the best and worst ways to praise children (and why it’s sometimes better to withhold praise). It’s given me a lot to think about and practice at home.

This clip from Portlandia is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a long time.

My dad bought me a nice pair of Sorel rain boots for Christmas, and I love them so much I started snooping around the Sorel website, admiring other styles. These ones are on sale, and if you’re a size 6 (which unfortunately, I am not), you should snatch them up in “elderberry”.

This blog is beautiful and full of kitchen inspiration. It makes me feel like an old lady to know that the writer/recipe developer and photographer are only 23 and 24 and already so incredibly talented.

I’m not a graphic designer, but this advice column on designlovefest is always an interesting read.

Hope you are well and warm and finding inspiration in the new year!

xoxo Camille

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Eleanor January 24, 2013 at 3:48 am

Thanks for sharing your beautiful images and links!


Elaine January 24, 2013 at 10:51 am

Those photos are stunning! We’ve had lots of fog here and cold, it is pretty magical.


Rohan January 26, 2013 at 1:11 am

I love seeing your world.


Camille January 26, 2013 at 9:48 pm

You going to be around these parts soon? I keep looking at your scheduled events, but I’ve yet to see when you’re going to be in Oregon.


Gramps January 27, 2013 at 4:36 pm

Camille, All of your photos are really excellent. But the last one looking out over the Coast Range is extraordinary. It could be on my Sierra Club Desk Calender.


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