on the grill

June 29, 2013 · 0 comments

grilled onions and tofu // Wayward Spark

If I were hard pressed to declare my favorite vegetable right at this moment, I might tell you it’s the onion. Man, do I love onions. Earlier today, I went to the farmers’ market and bought a bagful of Walla Walla sweets from Spring Hill Organic Farm. They’re the biggest onions I’ve ever seen in my life, seriously almost as big as Charlotte’s head.

This evening, I threw them on the grill with a bunch of tofu and zucchini after marinating everything in a bit of olive oil, soy sauce, vinegar, and fresh ground pepper. It was the best. I could have eaten the whole pile of onions myself, but I was nice enough to share with the rest of the family.

I’m super excited to see and eat all the wonderful things that summer will bring, but for now, I’m pretty content feasting on simple grilled onions (made even better garnished with fresh chévre and harissa from last month’s Portland Preservation Society meeting).

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