goat cheese

I know there are folks out there who hate beets. To you, I apologize for this post. Actually, no. I feel sorry for you because I LOVE beets. Hot steamed beets with a dribble of good olive oil and a splash of balsamic vinegar topped with a generous garnish of cold, plain chèvre is the […]



May 19, 2011 · 5 comments

Chèvre is the most basic, easy-to-make goat cheese. It is tangy, creamy, and delicious. It also has a relatively high milk to cheese ratio. I often have friends who say something along the lines of “I want to come over and watch you make cheese!” The reality is that this cheese is so easy but […]


A basic chèvre cheese is made with rennet (a curdling agent) and a starter culture. The culture gives it that traditional pleasantly-sour taste. If I lived in France and had my own personal cheese cave in the backyard, I could just set my ripening cheese out to absorb the naturally occurring bacteria from the air, […]


Goat Milk FAQ

April 30, 2011 · 6 comments

Does it smell or taste “goaty?” Goat milk should not smell or taste “goaty.” If it does, something is not right. There are several factors that can cause milk to seem “off.” A lactating doe that kept in close quarters with a buck or is fed or grazes on brassicas (cabbage, kale, turnips, etc.) or […]